Bring Nature To Work | Coworking Chennai | Cove


Work in nature's lap at Cove Coworking in Chennai

Ever wondered why you feel so peaceful while walking through a park or on the beach? The answer is simple – we are at our relaxed best when we connect with nature. Now, imagine if you could have nature surround you while you work. Given that we spend at least one-third of our day working, does this not sound like a great idea? Indeed, because it has been proven that working in a natural surrounding does wonders for your productivity.

Have you ever experienced how traditional offices behave when it comes to social/professional interactions among employees? Apart from their designated teams, employees tend to connect to others informally, over “water-cooler talk” and “coffee breaks”. These interactions boost employee engagement and lead to an exchange of knowledge and experiences in ways better than a formal program. Now, take this concept and scale it up across various companies, businesses, knowledge profiles and levels of professional experiences, all in one single space. That is the key benefit of operating from a coworking space.

When you are working alongside entrepreneurs and knowledge workers from various domains, the potential for forming meaningful professional connections is tremendous, and literally at a hand’s distance. All you really need to do is to keep your mind, eyes and ears open. Soon enough, you will come across someone who will be a mutually beneficial addition to your professional circles.

Coworking spaces provide a tremendous variety of people you can come across, which usually does not happen with traditional single-organisation offices. For example, at Cove’s Chennai campus, we have had design teams, equity brokers and wealth managers, tech startups, IP lawyers, real estate consultants, educational and training institutes and hackathons and disaster recovery programmes, all in one location.

Connecting with nature while working has many benefits like:

● Increased energy levels

● Low levels of stress and anxiety

● Improved memory and focus

● Better vision as you don’t stay glued to the screen all-day long

All these factors together contribute to better productivity, a higher amount of happiness and work satisfaction. A stroll amidst nature also stimulates the production of dopamine, which improves memory and focus, and is a natural antidepressant. This makes us feel more motivated and productive. As satisfaction at work is also directly linked to work-life balance, this has a cascading positive effect on other areas of your life.

Since we need modern amenities to get work done, we cannot simply pack up our laptops and go to the forest. But then, if you can’t take work to the woods, you can definitely bring the woods to work. This is exactly what Cove Offices does for you.

Our premises are designed to combine the best of nature and urbanity by providing a large amount of vegetation and large open spaces. Cove Kotturpuram was originally a vintage bungalow which has been upgraded to modern standards without losing its original charm and calm. When work tires you out, experiencing the healing touch of nature is as simple as just getting off your seat and taking a stroll in the premises. This way, you get to enjoy the benefits of nature without losing out on modern comforts and technology.

So, come to Cove and work in the lap of nature. Take the first step towards being a part of a happy, stress-free work environment.
